主旨演讲嘉宾:Professor Alan McKinnon (University of London, UK, Ph.D.)
Prof. McKinnon为世界知名物流和供应链管理教授。目前在世界、欧盟以及英国一些组织机构中任职,如世界经济论坛物流和供应链议会主席(2010-2012,现为议会成员之一);OECD/国际运输论坛; 国际能源机构; 世界银行和政府间气候变化专业委员会等机构的专家与顾问等。自2014年起,Prof. McKinnon被任命为欧盟“地平线2020”研究项目运输顾问团主席。Prof. McKinnon目前应 Kühne Logistics University(世界上第一个以物流命名的大学,由世界最大物流集团之一的Kühne + Nagel资助)之邀,担任该大学物流学术领导人之职。
研讨会主题与内容:Low Carbon Logistics in a Climate-changed World
Following the Paris COP21 agreement on climate change and in response to recent evidence that the rate of global warming is accelerating, companies and governments are under mounting pressure to achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It is acknowledged that logistics is going to be one of the most difficult and expensive sectors to decarbonise. This sector will also be heavily exposed to the disruptive effects of climate change. Simultaneously decarbonising and climate-proofing logistics activities will be one of the great managerial challenges of the 21st Century. This seminar will discuss the nature of these challenges and how they can be addressed.