主题: Towards a Trustworthy Android Ecosystem.
陈焰, 2003年获加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学博士学位,现为西北大学电子工程与计算机科学系教授,互联网安全技术实验室主任,主要研究方向为Internet网络安全和网络管理/测量。
Google Scholar显示,论文总引用超过7000次,H-index指数为37。有2项美国专利 (另提交了4项)。论文Generic and Automatic Address Configuration for Data Center Networks入选SIGCOMM 2010最佳论文候选,应邀直接在ACM/IEEE ToN上出版. 在ACM/IEEE Transaction on Networking (ToN)、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)等顶级期刊和SIGCOMM、IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy(Oakland)、USENIX NSDI、NDSS 等顶级会议上发表了100余篇论文。担任IEEE IWQoS2007、SecureComm 2009和IEEEGlobecom Next Generation Networking Symposium (NGN) 2010, IEEE Communication and Networking Security (CNS) 2014等国际会议的技术程序委员会主席,并受邀加入ACMComputer and Communication Security (CCS) 2009,2011 和SIGCOMM IMC 2009的组织委员会, 并担任ACM CCS 2011的总主席及 World Wide Web (WWW) 2012的技术程序委员会副主席(分管计算机安全和隐私领域). 担任包括ACM MOBICOM、NDSS、 INFOCOM、ICNP、ICDCS在内的多个国际会议的程序委员会成员。自2004年起多次受邀在美国自然科学基金委信息科学与工程处担任评委, 并多次受邀担任美国能源部(DOE)和美国空军科研部(DOD) SBIR计划及STTR计划的评委。
内容简介: We have entered the post-PC era in which mobile devices have become the dominating computing platform. Android is the most dominant mobile OS, and thus we have strived to makes a trustworthy Android ecosystem. We particularly aim to detect malware, prevent privacy leakage, and enable fine grain mobile content management, all without any modification of the firmware or support from developers. To the best of our knowledge, we conducted the first study to evaluate the robustness of popular anti-malware system, designed and implemented the first native malware detection system, offered the first large scale measurement of malware in ad libraries, and provided the first released Android app that can monitor and prevent the privacy leakage in real time (without root privilege), etc.