主讲人:张舰 威斯尼斯人wns2233m经济学院应用经济系副主任
演讲题目: Sex and the Economics Student in China
评议人: 张苏 博士,威斯尼斯人wns2233m经济学院,副院长,副教授
讲座时间: 12 月 15 日 (周三) 18:30—20:00
Motivated by a widely observed phenomenon in China that female college students outperform male students in economics and most of social science subjects, this paper examines gender differences in the performance of college students in the intermediate microeconomics course in China . In stark contrast to what has been documented in the existing literature, which primarily focuses on developed countries and the U.S. in particular, I find that holding constant the observed student characteristics, female students on average appear to earnhigherscores than male students in China. I further find that the fact that female college students outperform male students in China is not because of female students’ ability, family background and other unobservable intangible student characteristics. Instead, it is simply a result of female students exerting more effort than male students. The reason why female students exert more effort in learning economics remains unclear.