题目:Evolutionary and Institutional Economics as the New Mainstream
时间:2010 年 12 月 15 日 (星期三) 14:00
地点:学术会堂 604 报告厅
主讲人:Prof. Geoffrey M. Hodgson ( 杰弗里 .M. 霍奇逊 教授 )
杰弗里 .M. 霍奇逊,英国哈特福德郡大学商学院教授,世界著名的制度经济学家和演化经济学家,欧洲演化经济学协会主席, Journal of Institutional Economics 主编。
摘要:Mainstream economics has changed radically since the 1980s, offering greatly enhanced opportunities for intervention by evolutionary and institutional economics. This article surveys the extent of this transformation and the extent that mainstream economics has moved in an evolutionary and institutional direction. There are also signs of a possiblegestaltshift in the social sciences, where rules are seen as constitutive of social relations and social reality. This contrasts with the former emphasis in mainstream economics on incremental change and equilibria. On the other hand, mainstream economics has a preoccupation with technique over substance, and the barriers between disciplines impair appropriate conceptual developments.